Nearby Cities

Shenzhen has a prime location on the border with Hong Kong and near to the capital Guangzhou with high speed trains running north, south, east, and west.


Cities nearby Shenzhen with convenient high speed transport links

All these cities can be reached by high speed rail in around 2 hours or less via C, D, or G type trains from either Shenzhen Station, Futian Station, or Shenzhen North Station.

Hong Kong – Train: 14 to 23 minutes via the new XRL line that departs from Shenzhen North or Futian Station to West Kowloon Station in Hong Kong.

Huizhou –  Train: 30 minutes from Shenzhen North Station. A tourism city, home to the Taoist Luofu Mountain, Pinghai Ancient City, hot spring and beach resorts, and the beautiful Xunliao Bay.

Dongguan – Train: 45 min from Shenzhen Station. Known for being the “worlds factory” and its cultural attractions

Humen – Train: 17 min to 30 min from Futian Station or Shenzhen North Station. Part of Dongguan, home to the Guangdong Modern Exhibition Center and several clothing markets & manufacturers.

Guangzhou – Train: 45min to 1 hr 15 min from Shenzhen Station, Futian Station, or Shenzhen North Station. Capital of Guangdong, International trade base, and home to the regions leading cultural & historical attractions.

Foshan – Train: 1h12m from Futian Station or Shenzhen North Station. Known for ceramics and furniture production it also features cultural and historical attractions inc Bruce Lee Ancestor’s House.

Zhongshan – Train: 1h28m from Shenzhen North Station. A key manufacturing base that attracts a lot of overseas investment and expats.

Zhoaqing – Train: 1h8m from Shenzhen North Station. Famous for the beauty and fresh air of nearby Dinghu Mountain, and the Star Lake Scenic Area.

Wuzhou – Train: 2h11m  from  Shenzhen North Station. A famous port city in Guanxi province on the border with Guangdong.

Qingyuan – Train: 1h4m from  Shenzhen North Station. A tourism city and manufacturing base. Famed for its hot springs and whitewater rafting.

Shaoguan – Train: 1h 38m from Shenzhen North Station. Famous for its beautiful Danxia Mountain region, hot springs, and Nanhua Temple.

Chaoshan – Train: 2h 10m from Shenzhen North Station. Chaozhou city is famed for its food, embroidery, and attractions including Egrets’ Paradise & Guangji Gate

Chaoyang – Train: 1h48m from Shenzhen North Station. Part of Shantou which is a growing SEZ, culturally rich city, home to many Teochew people, Big Buddha statue, and coastal city with the beautiful Nanao Island just offshore.

Lufeng – Train: 1h23m from Shenzhen North Station. A part of Shanwei, a culturally diverse area (Chaoshan, Minnan, Cantonese, and Hakka culture) and home to the Zhelang Peninsula Tourist Zone, a beautiful coastal area.

Zhuhai – Train: 1hr 55min from Shenzhen North Station. A tourism city that is known for its long coastline, islands, hot springs. It is also an SEZ with a focus on textiles and electronics.


Greater Bay Area

Shenzhen is also part of the Greater Bay Area which has an aim to develop a “one hour circle” for transport between cities of the new mega-economic/urban area via high speed intercity trains.

Greater Bay cities include Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan, Zhuhai, Huizhou, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, Hong Kong, and Macau.